Sunday 12 October 2008

Paris Fashion Week

I must admit to a sigh of relief when I was finally on the eurostar back from Paris fashion week - with the end of the week in sight, and knowing I could go home to the country where fashion doesn't feature, I was happy to leave high heels & shows behind me !

We have found some fabulous new labels for Spring Summer '09 which I'm really excited about, mainly with collections of great dresses. Our thinking is that every purchase needs to multitask; so a dress that you could wear to a wedding, to a party or to a day time event, adapting the look just by accessorising, is the key.

We've also been focussing on styles that you would be happy to wear afterwards, pieces that will hide your baby bits until you're confident enough to show your body off again.....all without looking like you're actually wearing maternity clothes ! That's our challenge anyway, and all you need to do is make a few clicks & try them on at home :)

Vanessa & I en Paris, enjoying a scenic break outside a show


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