Thursday 23 April 2009

Babies on schedule...

Whilst scheduling a birth might be a convenience for the rich and famous, for some couples it is a real and valid decision.

If reports are correct it would seem as though Coleen Rooney who is 3 months pregnant, has been particularly organized with her birth plan. Rumours are circling that Coleen has already decided the date she will give birth by cesarean section later this year. The supposed reason for this choice is that her expected delivery date is thought to clash with the England vs Ukraine World Cup qualifier which her husband Wayne Rooney is assumed to be playing in, thus affecting Wayne Rooney’s chance to be present at the birth of his first child.

I’m sure many daddys-to-be secretly wish their partner would be so courteous as to arrange their birth schedule around the football season! However in the bigger picture, for many women their partners’ career does present an obstacle when it comes to the impending birth of their child.

There will be many expectant mothers whose partners are in the military with an upcoming tour of duty, for whom this choice is somewhat familiar. Naturally they would prefer their partner to be there for the birth before they are deployed, and therefore scheduling the birth is far more of a necessity than a luxury.

Are planned births a contrived attempt to control fate, or is this an acceptable response to managing a family within our ever increasingly busy working lives?

Posted by Shelly, mama-la-mode team

1 comment

Anonymous said...

I think almost inevitable that we want to plan our births and babies now - micromanagement is a tool that acheivers use in every part of their lives !!

Sophie, Guilford

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